Financial Planning + Portfolio Management


In our first meeting together, we simply listen to your ideas, objectives, and questions. We find out what’s important to you and we collect the necessary data to build an initial draft of your financial plan.


We determine your overall exposure to risk (asset allocation) and construct your balance sheet (asset location). These two documents, combined with cash-flow needs (personal goals), lay the foundation for portfolio construction.

*Portfolio Longevity key relationships are defined at this point in the process:

  • Assets vs. Liabilities
  • Income vs. Expenses
  • Life expectancy
  • Rate of total return (for each major asset class)

Required Rate of Return 

The results of the financial plan drive the investment management process. Together, we determine the required rate of return needed to meet your stated planning goals.  

Portfolio Construction

When possible, we prefer utilizing individual positions to build client portfolios. This can help control taxes, lower overall cost and provide a deeper connection between a client’s and his or her portfolio. We also strongly believe in having direct access to the portfolio manager.

Ongoing Review 

Financial planning is never done. We view your plan as a working document that requires continual updates and revisions  Our quarterly reporting focuses on the key performance data points and specifically focuses on the portfolio longevity results.  

Portfolio Longevity

Are you spending principal money? Is the yield from your portfolio meeting your cash flow needs? Are you keeping up with inflation? What changes need to be made to insure Portfolio Longevity?

Portfolio Longevity is our stated focus and mission. We ask these questions on your behalf and course correct as needed to ensure the best chance for your financial success.